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Kete o te wānanga

An ancient Te Moana Nui a Kiwa belief is that there is harmony between the divine and temporal. Harmony is achieved by privileging the balance and the equivalence of all living things. When we practice healing, an ongoing aspect of our lives, we must remember to apply this indigenous knowledge. 

This ongoing work, Kete o te wānaga, carries out a mix of indigenous methodologies and traditional western approaches such as talanoa, Samoan massage, prayer to ancestors and Gods, poetry, Moana medicinal remedies, movement and earthing to heal ourselves and our environment. Within the first seventeen works these practices were brought together in a workshop format exclusive to femmes of the Moana to discuss how they navigate in a complex cultural paradigm. 

Kete o te wānanga as a body of work attempts to question some systematic oppressions that have been injected into indigenous cultures whilst using our ancient knowledge to create an alternative way of operating and living in our everyday. 

Kete o te wānaga ( 1 – 16) 

Monday 6th May, Maungawhau, 4.02PM – 6.12PM: Afakasi Samoan Woman.  

Saturday 11th May, Waitematā Harbour, 10.38AM – 1.03PM: Afakasi Samoan Woman.  

Friday 17th May, Maungakiekie, 10.05AM - 12.11PM: Afakasi Samoan Woman. 

Monday 20th May, Pukekawa, 1.32PM - 5.35PM, Afakasi Samoan Woman. 


Saturday 1st June, Hamurana Springs, 3.00PM – 4.58PM: Samoan & Niuean Woman.


Wednesday 5th June, Tonga Household, 3.42PM – 5.02PM: Afakasi Tongan & Samoan Girls.  

Friday 7th June, Maraetai, 12.13PM – 5PM: Tongan Woman. 

Sunday 9th June, Paturoa Bay, 1.05PM – 3.32PM: Afakasi Samoan Woman.  

Wednesday 12th June, Tu’ifua Household, 11.07AM – 12.13PM: Tongan Girls.  

Friday 14th June, Takaparawha, 10.47AM – 4.21PM: Afakasi Samoan & Chinese Non Binary. 

Saturday 15th June, Pukekawa, 4.38PM – 7.11PM: Aotearoa Woman.   

Monday 17th June, Taurarua, 12.32PM - 2.36PM: Tongan, Fijian, Samoan & Palagi Woman.

Tuesday 18th June, Pukekawa, 1.52PM - 4.27PM: Tongan Woman. 

Wednesday 19th June, Waitemata Harbour, 4.38PM - 7.33PM: Samoan Woman.  

Friday 21st June, Maungawhau, 4.27PM - 6.12PM: Aotearoa Woman.  

Monday 24th June, Pukekawa, 6.27PM - 8.15PM: Tongan Fakaleiti. 


A part of this project is hosting talanoa (means to talk & to untie knots) a safe, open and transparent space to discuss matters, feelings and issues with kava a natural relaxer, used throughout the islands. In the two sessions we spoke of feminine energy, healing and institutions by bringing this into the gallery meant I was able to hold space for my Moana community. All other ethnicities were able to listen in hopes of implementing what they had learnt there within their own spaces and with whatever privilege they may hold. This focusing on the cause, effect and outcome of these discussions.

17 Wahine Talanoa -  
Thursday 27th June, Bay G space #2: 138 St.Georges Bay Road, 5.50PM - 6.20PM.

Number of Participants - 15 Ethnicities –  Tongan, Samoan, Fijian, Maori, Palagi, Afakasi. 

18 Talanoa for all moana people -  
Thursday 27th June, Bay G space #2: 138 St.Georges Bay Road, 6.50PM - 7.30PM.

Number of Participants - 22 Ethnicities - Tongan, Samoan, Fijian, Maori, Palagi, Afakasi, Arab, Papua New Guinea.

This ongoing work has not reached it's final form because as the more I learn myself the more this work will take shape. The kaupapa of Kete o te wānaga is healing our Moana people with Moana methodologies. This will remain but how this is communicated, shared and carried out with the community will evolve. If you fit this demographic and would like to experience a workshop/talanoa yourself or even just interested in hearing more   

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