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F'Rock Da Base

Activation of poetry, spoken word, movement and dance.

As a collective the Pacific Sisters presented Art After Hours: F'Rock Da Base. This one-night-only takeover of Auckland Art Gallery was a night packed with all things Māori and Pasifika. 

People were able to relive the spirit of Auckland in the ‘90s and experience this boundary-crossing late-night event that includes a Mega-Freestyle-Frock-Action-Finale with legends past and present.

F'Rock Da Base was an event to celebrate our myths, music, language, our brown bodies, ancestors, indigeneity and in true Pacific Sister style, a new-take on tradition through our contemporary lens as we decolonised by activating the gallery. 

‘Something Old, Something New’   was an activation of the Lower Grey Gallery through spoken word, poetry, dance and haka delivered by the original Pacific Sisters and myself. 

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